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Experience a day in the life of Portland Rescue Mission

Take a tour of our facilities, all from the comfort of your own home! You may be surprised. Many people think we are a soup kitchen, but Portland Rescue Mission functions as a multi-facility program that serves men, women and children facing addiction, homelessness and hopelessness. Since 1949 Portland Rescue Mission has been giving hope…

122 September 15th, 2016 0
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The ‘little fighter’ finds God’s love: Marci’s Jubilee story

Her name means “little fighter.” And no surprise. “I’ve never met someone so resistant to God’s grace,” shared her Growth Leader, Julia. “I always thought I had to earn my love,” said Marci. Marci learned a defining truth when she came to Shepherd’s Door, the women and children’s program at Portland Rescue Mission. “God is…

112 September 14th, 2016 0
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From addiction and doubt to confidence and hope: Sarah’s Jubilee story

“The day I arrived here, I knew the second I walked in the door, my life would never be the same,” said Sarah. She came to Shepherd’s Door fresh out of jail. “I spent 13 years addicted to drugs and all the destruction that comes with that.” But her life radically changed. Shepherd’s Door provided…

106 September 13th, 2016 1
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No longer a slave to addiction: Tara’s Jubilee Story

Who Tara is today, is nothing short of a miracle. After years of drug use, her heart went emotionally numb, even to the pain she was masking. “I started to feel and act like I no longer had a heart. I couldn’t even love,” she shared. All of this changed when she came to Shepherd’s…

113 September 12th, 2016 0
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Sherri’s Jubilee Story: ‘When I walked in those doors, God met me there’

Miracles are common at the Mission. And there is nothing greater than attending a graduation to come face-to-face with the stories of men and women who have fought hard and come through a dark night to find life and hope restored. Sherri is a recent graduate from our women and children’s program, Shepherd’s Door.  …

103 September 9th, 2016 0
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Come work at one of the ‘Best Christian Workplaces’

Great reasons to consider a job at Portland Rescue Mission: You’re a night owl. You love engaging with people. You don’t want to wait until Saturday to work on a car. You are great with numbers. We are hiring for a variety of positions at Portland Rescue Mission! We are on the hunt for highly-relational,…

99 August 30th, 2016 0
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Join Portland Rescue Mission: Seeking compassionate men, women for our night teams

  Are you longing for something more when it comes to your vocation? Come join our team in the transformational work at Portland Rescue Mission. Men, women and children are daily discovering hope–that life is good and they can heal from the past and live free from addiction. If you have a compassionate and courageous…

98 July 29th, 2016 0
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Rosie the dog, more than just a companion at The Harbor

Being caught in the storms of addiction and homelessness can make for a rough ride, and the recovery journey is no exception. For men at The Harbor, our 12-month New Life Ministry at Portland Rescue Mission, this recovery journey is also one of the most challenging things they’ve ever had to navigate. That’s where Rosie…

109 July 6th, 2016 0
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Patrick’s journey at The Harbor hits new heights with baptism

Seven and a half months ago, before he ever walked through the doors at The Harbor, Patrick was an agnostic. For years, Patrick struggled with the idea of God. It was a confusing concept. For all that Patrick knew and learned throughout his life, he simply couldn’t define who God is. “Before I came to The…

85 March 25th, 2016 0
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Vocational training, a focal point of recovery at The Harbor

At Portland Rescue Mission, our New Life Ministries truly are designed to give hope and restore life to the men, women and children we serve. For those who have finished the 12-month program, restoration and total life transformation is the ultimate objective. In fact, well over 50 percent of our graduates are still clean, sober…

84 June 13th, 2015 0
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