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About Homelessness

Experience a day in the life of Portland Rescue Mission

Take a tour of our facilities, all from the comfort of your own home! You may be surprised. Many people think we are a soup kitchen, but Portland Rescue Mission functions as a multi-facility program that serves men, women and children facing addiction, homelessness and hopelessness.

Since 1949 Portland Rescue Mission has been giving hope and restoring life to hundreds of people. We provide up to 320 people with shelter each night, up to 900 meals each day and many other vital services during our 24/7 operations at three sites. And we strive to do it all with something we call “Relentless Compassion.” Join us for a tour as we walk you through a day in the life of Portland Rescue Mission.

Get comfortable, grab a cup of coffee…and just push play.

Contact us at info@pdxmission.org for a DVD copy of this video to share with your church or community.
