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The ‘little fighter’ finds God’s love: Marci’s Jubilee story


Her name means “little fighter.” And no surprise. “I’ve never met someone so resistant to God’s grace,” shared her Growth Leader, Julia.

“I always thought I had to earn my love,” said Marci.

Marci learned a defining truth when she came to Shepherd’s Door, the women and children’s program at Portland Rescue Mission. “God is not like that. He just gives it to you freely. And you don’t have to deserve it,” she said.

“That is how Shepherd’s Door has treated me for the last almost two years. I haven’t deserved everything they’ve given, but they have been absolutely abundant in their love and gifts for us.”

It’s a love that has calmed her heart and taught her not to fight against God’s grace.

“I’ve been so caught up in the clatter of my own ambition. I’ve been missing the precious moments that were right there in front of me. Now I know my missing peace and serenity is in the quite moments of my time with Jesus Christ. I just have to stop striving and listen.”


Are you seeking healing or freedom from addiction? Learn more about Shepherd’s Door for women or The Harbor for men.
