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Sherri’s Jubilee Story: ‘When I walked in those doors, God met me there’

Miracles are common at the Mission. And there is nothing greater than attending a graduation to come face-to-face with the stories of men and women who have fought hard and come through a dark night to find life and hope restored.

Sherri is a recent graduate from our women and children’s program, Shepherd’s Door.


After her father’s suicide, “that pretty much was the end of it for me,” said Sherri. Sliding into a deep and dark place, Sherri was hospitalized several times for overdosing and attempting suicide. “I really had no hope and I didn’t want to live.”

An interview with Shepherd’s Door was a catalyst for her miracle. She didn’t even know much about the program but, “something about the words even told me something amazing was going to happen in my life,” said Sherri.

“When I walked in those doors, God met me there. The fear was gone, the shaking was gone. And I knew there was hope in my life and I was not going to die. I was going to live.”

Her despair was replaced with a desire for light and for life. During a Wednesday worship service at Shepherd’s Door, she heard the Lord say, with his arms outstretched on a cross, “Sherri, I did this for you. Give me all your pain, give me all your sins, give me your illness, give me your sadness.”

He replaced her broken heart with joy.

“The peace that I received at that moment, the understanding that he did this for me, and that he loves me, that I’m a wonderful person, and that I am his child, made all the difference in the world.”

“I’m thankful for having gone through Shepherd’s Door…So thankful for all the beautiful women that helped me. They loved me…until I could love myself. Now when I look in the mirror I see that beautiful, beautiful woman that He always saw in me.”


Are you seeking healing or freedom from addiction? Learn more about Shepherd’s Door for women or The Harbor for men.
