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Amanda’s Story of Restoration

This month, five amazing women who had struggled with drugs, addiction and homelessness, have completed the New Life Program at our recovery center for women and children.

164 May 11th, 2019 0
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This week we are celebrating four men from The Harbor and their completion of the New Life Recovery Program! These men have completed at least a year with us––growing in healthy community, new habits, Christ-like character and life skills.   A couple of them shared about their journey thus far.          …

141 August 4th, 2017 0
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Freedom From Fear: Marianne’s Jubilee Story

For Marianne, the nighttime was especially difficult.   “I felt lost, confused. I didn’t have much energy or desire to try to stop using drugs. I was in an unhealthy relationship. I was distant from my family. I didn’t have any hope. I didn’t really see myself being able to be a normal person.”  …

107 July 5th, 2017 0
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Made Whole – Maureen’s Jubilee Story

  Maureen felt lost in her addiction. “I had legal issues, lost my job, had no way to support myself, and was nearly homeless,” she remembers.   “I got involved in bad relationships that were abusive physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, and spiritually. I was looking for love in all the wrong places.”   Then she…

100 June 30th, 2017 0
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Defining Moments | A word from the Executive Director

Last fall, America held its breath as the Chicago Cubs battled the Cleveland Indians in the World Series. After a 107-year drought, the Cubs emerged with a hard-won victory, breaking a century-old “curse” of loss. Even people who weren’t die-hard Cubs fans had to smile at their dramatic turn. It was a Disney movie feel-good…

105 January 9th, 2017 0
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Harbor Graduates Share “Ah-Ha” Moments

We recently celebrated the graduation of three men from the New Life Recovery Program at The Harbor. At their graduation, these men shared some of the most significant moment’s from their journey of hope. Bradley Bradley thought he could do things on his own. “Before I came here, I fought everything of any consequence that…

115 October 12th, 2016 0
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The ‘little fighter’ finds God’s love: Marci’s Jubilee story

Her name means “little fighter.” And no surprise. “I’ve never met someone so resistant to God’s grace,” shared her Growth Leader, Julia. “I always thought I had to earn my love,” said Marci. Marci learned a defining truth when she came to Shepherd’s Door, the women and children’s program at Portland Rescue Mission. “God is…

112 September 14th, 2016 0
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From addiction and doubt to confidence and hope: Sarah’s Jubilee story

“The day I arrived here, I knew the second I walked in the door, my life would never be the same,” said Sarah. She came to Shepherd’s Door fresh out of jail. “I spent 13 years addicted to drugs and all the destruction that comes with that.” But her life radically changed. Shepherd’s Door provided…

106 September 13th, 2016 1
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No longer a slave to addiction: Tara’s Jubilee Story

Who Tara is today, is nothing short of a miracle. After years of drug use, her heart went emotionally numb, even to the pain she was masking. “I started to feel and act like I no longer had a heart. I couldn’t even love,” she shared. All of this changed when she came to Shepherd’s…

113 September 12th, 2016 0
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Sherri’s Jubilee Story: ‘When I walked in those doors, God met me there’

Miracles are common at the Mission. And there is nothing greater than attending a graduation to come face-to-face with the stories of men and women who have fought hard and come through a dark night to find life and hope restored. Sherri is a recent graduate from our women and children’s program, Shepherd’s Door.  …

103 September 9th, 2016 0
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