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Freedom From Fear: Marianne’s Jubilee Story

For Marianne, the nighttime was especially difficult.


“I felt lost, confused. I didn’t have much energy or desire to try to stop using drugs. I was in an unhealthy relationship. I was distant from my family. I didn’t have any hope. I didn’t really see myself being able to be a normal person.”


However, while at the New Life Recovery Program at Shepherd’s Door, Marianne discovered that not only could she be normal, but also extraordinary.


“I do have hope now. I see myself having a future. I think the biggest change for myself, that I’ve felt, is just my knowledge of God’s truth and who I am in Christ.”


The fear she felt before Shepherd’s Door was also challenged.  It happened one day in class. She was with a group of women watching a teaching video. “I remember it was talking about fear, and about all of the lies that the enemy tells us––that the enemy wants to beat us down, and wants to steal, and destroy us.


Then [the teacher spoke] about God’s truth and the truth about ourselves. It was definitely like a light bulb went on.”


Marianne’s life filled with hope and light, like many graduates of the New Life Recovery Program.  She is ready to step into all Christ has for her after graduation. She is interviewing for jobs, running with the running team, going to recovery meetings and staying involved at church.


“God has helped me learn the importance of healthy relationships by providing me the support of Shepherd’s Door staff and volunteers who genuinely care and want to listen and help, an amazing sponsor, mentors, my church family at Grace Community Church, my Celebrate Recovery family, the ladies who have coached and mentored me in the running program here, Mission Barb-B-Que, my family at home, and of course each and every one of my sisters who have been patient, encouraging, motivating, and inspiring me during my journey here.”


To everyone that gives to make this program possible, Marianne is grateful for you.


“Thank you from the bottom of my heart because I don’t know where I’d be without this place.


The gate out front of Shepherd’s Door says there is hope for all who enter. I believe I have received an abundance of hope, along with so many other blessings.


I’m still asking, ‘Is this really my life?’ Because I actually enjoy life and actually look forward to getting up and living each day and seeing what the Lord has for me. Before, I just wanted to escape life in any way I possibly could.”
