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The AT&T Community: Bringing HOPE to the hungry in Portland

When Scott Casseday won the annual community forum contest run by AT&T, he knew immediately where he would direct the charitable donation. He selected Portland Rescue Mission as the recipient of AT&T’s generous award. “The work that Portland Rescue Mission does is important,” Casseday explained, “There’s homelessness everywhere, it’s something that needs to be addressed. I hope the guests enjoy the meals, and I hope it helps.”

Portland Rescue Mission brings hot, nutritious meals to men, women and children in need. With up to 900 meals served per day, 365 days a year, it’s an essential part of the community’s response to homelessness, hunger and addiction. With each meal, Portland Rescue Mission brings HOPE, and a second chance at life.

Rich Roche, Director of External Affairs at AT&T, added “This is exciting. The services that Portland Rescue Mission provides are essential. As people are coming through the front door to receive warm meals and services it helps people redirect themselves and improve their lives. It’s an exciting donation.”

Roche explained why AT&T offers these community forum donations, “We’re part of the fabric of the community. We have employees who live here and work here and they care about the communities that we serve. It’s much more than business, it’s about being part of the community.”

Eric Bauer, executive director at Portland Rescue Mission thanked the AT&T community for their generosity. “I’d like to thank AT&T for this very generous gift to our hunger relief program, We serve warm, nutritious meals to up to 900 people per day every day, downtown as well as through our recovery programs. Very often, their first step to hope is that warm meal. Thank You.
