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Meet Gary

This week’s weather predicts rain every day, with temperatures hovering below 60°. For the men, women and children in our community without safe shelter, this time of year can be painful, and sometimes even deadly. Pneumonia, frostbite and hypothermia are just a few of the illnesses from exposure to the elements that effect those suffering from homelessness, hunger and addiction in our community.

Meet Gary, a 72-year-old man suffering from the pain of homelessness. “I’d almost froze last night. I just sat at the bus stop… I had one blanket.”

At Portland Rescue Mission, Gary found safe shelter, clean clothes and warm, nutritious meals. Gary ate breakfast at Portland Rescue Mission this morning, and he smiles as he remembers. “It was good food. They have good pancakes and french toast and grits and stuff. Coffee, best coffee in town right here at the mission.”

“They give me clothes. Warm clothes,” Gary says, “When we’re hungry they take care of us.” Holding up a pair of socks, he continues, “I got dry socks today, brand new pair of socks ’cause I walked in a mud puddle. Couldn’t see, my eyes are getting bad. I’m 72 years old and I’d probably be dead if it wasn’t for them guys.”

“These people are all from God and they all want the best for us all.”

Thank you for the compassion you show and the support you give to Gary, and so many others. You provide life-saving care to people in need in our community. Thank you for giving HOPE.


