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No longer a slave to addiction: Tara’s Jubilee Story

Who Tara is today, is nothing short of a miracle. After years of drug use, her heart went emotionally numb, even to the pain she was masking. “I started to feel and act like I no longer had a heart. I couldn’t even love,” she shared. All of this changed when she came to Shepherd’s Door, the women and children’s program of Portland Rescue Mission.

“During my time at Shepherd’s Door I accepted Jesus into my heart as my Savior.”

He changed her heart.

“I felt like an anchor was lifted off my chest, a weight I didn’t even know was lifted off my heart,” said Tara. “God is in the healing business.”

No longer a slave to addiction, Tara credits God to setting her free from addiction, shame, guilt, anger and her past choices. He has restored her heart. Now she is able to love.

“God’s healing is sufficient for me,” she said as she turned to her daughter, “Kaylee, I love you.”


Are you seeking healing or freedom from addiction? Learn more about Shepherd’s Door for women or The Harbor for men.
