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New Life MInistry

A Christmas Card to You

  “This Christmas is my first Christmas with my mom. We will enjoy fun activities with friends, go to church, listen to beautiful Christmas music, and get to have many amazing gifts filled with hope and love. Thank you for your kindness.”  James   This holiday season at Portland Rescue Mission, the men, and women…

234 December 16th, 2021
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Kevin’s Invitation

“To feel a part of something again, to feel a viability in the community again, that I am worth something to somebody, I have this now. And it’s not because of what I did, but it’s because of the help I got from the Portland Rescue Mission.” Kevin sat in Burnside Shelter at the end…

205 November 9th, 2021
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Running for My Recovery

“I never expected to have completed this half marathon. I wasn’t even sure if I would be alive by this time last year, but here I am. I thank God for the opportunity.” Jesse, a participant moments after he completed his first ever half marathon.   On Sunday, October 3rd, 2021, Portland Rescue Mission partnered…

226 October 8th, 2021
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Collaborative Ministry to Serve the Homeless

Collaborative ministry is part of how Portland Rescue Mission serves the homeless in Portland, Oregon.

148 November 15th, 2019 0
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The Path to Homelessness May Not Be What You Think

The path to homelessness is complex. Beth’s story reminds us that life can take a dramatic turn that ends in homelessness and fear. Portland Rescue Mission is ready to give hope.

138 August 12th, 2019 0
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4 Steps to A Restored Life: The New Life Program

Most people know that Portland Rescue Mission gives hope to thousands of people in crisis by providing free hot meals, safe shelter, showers, clothing, mail service, 24/7 restrooms and chapel services. But that’s just the beginning! Hundreds of lives are transformed in our free residential New Life Ministries at The Harbor for men and at…

118 July 19th, 2017 0
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Therapy dog wins hearts of children at The Mission

Luna has black curly hair, peppered with grey. She has four legs and is 67 pounds of pure love. Luna is a therapy dog. And not just any therapy dog, she is a golden doodle (half poodle and half retriever). Her highlights of the week is going with her owner, Judy, to visit the the…

103 November 21st, 2016 0
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Give relief from the heat to Portland’s homeless

The heat is on for Portland’s growing homeless community… Already this summer, we’ve been scorched by some long stretches of very hot days. Sweltering heat hits hard for men, women and children already struggling without food and shelter. Not just the literal heat that comes with the rising summertime temperatures here in the Rose City,…

94 August 4th, 2016 0
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Rosie the dog, more than just a companion at The Harbor

Being caught in the storms of addiction and homelessness can make for a rough ride, and the recovery journey is no exception. For men at The Harbor, our 12-month New Life Ministry at Portland Rescue Mission, this recovery journey is also one of the most challenging things they’ve ever had to navigate. That’s where Rosie…

109 July 6th, 2016 0
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Freedom, independence for New Life Ministry participants at Portland Rescue Mission

Freedom and independence … it’s what this time of year is all about when we celebrate the Fourth of July. And for the many men and women that come through our New Life Ministry at The Harbor (for men) or Shepherd’s Door (for women and children) and graduate from the program, that means freedom and…

93 July 1st, 2016 0
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