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New Life MInistry

Nicholas finds victory through baptism at The Harbor, Wi-Ne-Ma Camp

Nicholas came out of the water feeling victorious. After thinking long and hard about who he is now, where he’s at in his journey and who he wants to be in the future, he made the decision: He was going to get baptized at Wi-Ne-Ma Camp. Life at The Harbor, our New Life Ministry for…

86 March 31st, 2016 0
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Be a champion for homeless men, women (current job openings at Portland Rescue Mission)

Are you a champion for men, women and children suffering from homelessness and addiction? Do you want to give hope and restore life on a daily basis? If so, look no further than a career at Portland Rescue Mission. Here at the Mission, we have the pleasure of serving many individuals who are actively looking…

102 March 29th, 2016 0
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Patrick’s journey at The Harbor hits new heights with baptism

Seven and a half months ago, before he ever walked through the doors at The Harbor, Patrick was an agnostic. For years, Patrick struggled with the idea of God. It was a confusing concept. For all that Patrick knew and learned throughout his life, he simply couldn’t define who God is. “Before I came to The…

85 March 25th, 2016 0
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Eric chooses life, finds what he needed and wanted at The Harbor

Eric held a steady job most of his life. His life wasn’t perfect, but he was getting by. He certainly never expected to be homeless. Addiction crept over Eric slowly, a seemingly harmless habit that snaked its tendrils deep into his heart. By the time he noticed, the grip was too tight to escape on…

90 March 23rd, 2016 0
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No hopeless men and women at Portland Rescue Mission

A note from Eric Bauer (Executive Director of Portland Rescue Mission) … God can do the impossible. But it is hard for us to believe that without seeing it first. Even Jesus’ most faithful followers abandoned hope when he was brutally killed. It didn’t matter that he had explained it all before, that he would…

96 March 22nd, 2016 0
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‘Nurturing with food,’ how one volunteer loves Shepherd’s Door

It was a serendipitous visit. Stephanie Whittle came to Shepherd’s Door to donate a guitar. Little did she know that day would be the beginning of many visits. “I ended up here. I dropped off the guitar and I just stayed,” she said with a smile. “I fell in love with it.” Stephanie’s forte is…

91 March 9th, 2016 0
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Xavier finds hope at The Harbor after 20 years homeless

Xavier never dreamed that he’d end up homeless. But at age 13, life on the streets seemed easier than enduring more abuse at home. “It was scary, because you never know where your next meal’s going to come from. It was hunger pains. Not having clean clothes. It felt like hopelessness.” Along with the pain…

82 March 3rd, 2016 0
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Glimmers of hope from residents at Shepherd’s Door

I still love you A little over a year ago, Lisa was at her lowest. “I figured that nobody needed me anymore, nobody cared. So I decided to end my life. I was in a coma for three days.” Then, the God of second chances intervened. “While in my coma I literally heard God say,…

85 February 26th, 2016 0
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Meaningful work that you love (job openings at Portland Rescue Mission)

Doing meaningful work is something we all strive for. It’s also the type of work that is a whole lot of fun to do day in and day out—which is exactly what’s available at Portland Rescue Mission. So, join the fun! Do you have a knack for fixing cars? Is it something you do on…

101 February 19th, 2016 0
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After ‘dying,’ Christine lives again at Shepherd’s Door

The fact that Christine is here today is nothing short of a miracle. “I’ve struggled with drug abuse and alcoholism most of my life along with the destruction that comes with that,” she said. “Jails, hospitals, psych wards, all of that. I’ve been suicidal most of my life.” But the pain Christine was feeling was…

85 February 3rd, 2016 0
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