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homeless women

Portland Rescue Mission Personal Perspective: Jamie Bradshaw

Volunteers play an invaluable role in the ministry of Portland Rescue Mission. In 2022 alone, 877 volunteers served a grand total of 15,397 hours. Each hour was filled with the kind of relational care that brings hope to men, women, and children who struggle with hunger and homelessness. The gifts of time, talent, and heart…

279 March 24th, 2023
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At The Intersection of Mental Illness and Homelessness

What causes homelessness? Is it mental illness or drug abuse or early childhood trauma? The answer is yes, yes, and yes. And everything all at once. As Audrey, one of our Shepherd’s Door participants will tell you: “When you don’t feel hopeful and you don’t feel safe, those become reasons to use.” According to the…

294 June 15th, 2022
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Portland Rescue Mission Personal Perspective: Sandy Pannell

  My name is Sandy Pannell. I have been serving at Shepherds Door with women from my church, First Orthodox Presbyterian Church, since 2011.

244 May 15th, 2022
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Portland Rescue Mission is Open for Business

Portland Rescue Mission opens their Burnside Shelter dining room doors to the public for the first time in over two years.

245 April 29th, 2022
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Fred Meyer: Working Together Makes a Difference

“I want to do something to help, but I just have no idea what to do!”

268 April 25th, 2022
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Portland Rescue Mission Personal Perspective: Eva Calcagno

My name is Eva Calcagno and I’ve been volunteering to plan, cook, and serve dinners at Shepherd’s Door for four years. I work with a team of people from St. Barnabas Episcopal Church in Southwest Portland. We started serving at the Burnside Mission once a month and then added Shepherd’s Door. We cooked 6 times…

252 April 19th, 2022
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I Am Known by Name

Mary’s Sorrow Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus’ body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot. They asked her, “Woman, why are you crying?” “They have taken my Lord…

243 April 15th, 2022
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My Portland Rescue Mission Work Story

by Leah Hay, Grant Writer, and Business Partnership Specialist:

232 January 26th, 2022
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Out of Isolation

At first being homeless didn’t really bother me, I had friends and a lot of places to go.But when I became addicted to drugs, was on the street in a new town . . . I was so scared and alone. . . on the street, you can’t trust anyone. Christina, a graduate of Shepherd’s…

182 July 28th, 2021
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Freedom From Fear: Marianne’s Jubilee Story

For Marianne, the nighttime was especially difficult.   “I felt lost, confused. I didn’t have much energy or desire to try to stop using drugs. I was in an unhealthy relationship. I was distant from my family. I didn’t have any hope. I didn’t really see myself being able to be a normal person.”  …

107 July 5th, 2017 0
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