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Drive Away Hunger

Join Portland Rescue Mission in giving hope, restoring life (job openings)

It’s summertime at Portland Rescue Mission, and while many people are slowing down and enjoying vacation, our dedicated staff and compassionate volunteers continue to help men, women and children overcome homelessness and addiction–loving every minute of it. Our Hope, Pathway and New Life Ministries are firing on all cylinders, and we are looking for new…

96 July 17th, 2015 0
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Start summer off with a new job at Portland Rescue Mission

With school over and summer in full swing, you might be in job search-mode. And if so, did you know Portland Rescue Mission is currently hiring? We have positions open at our three main facilities. We are actively looking to hire people who are passionate about helping hurting men, women and children who are homeless…

92 June 19th, 2015 0
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Drive Away Hunger cares for community, aids transformation

Each vehicle donated to Portland Rescue Mission has a story and has value. “Each car is seen as a sacrifice from a family. It’s part of their wealth,” Car Sales and Donations Manager Dick Osborne said. Such gifts directly impact the men, women and children we serve at the Mission by helping fund our Hope Ministries,…

86 June 5th, 2015 0
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Help create a better future, work for Portland Rescue Mission

Believe it or not, April is over halfway done (though with all this sunshine in the Portland area right now, you might not realize it). Has your spring started off well? Here at Portland Rescue Mission, we continually strive to offer hope and restoration to those involved in one of our integrated ministries (Hope Ministries, Pathway Ministries…

93 April 17th, 2015 0
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Time for a new car? Donate your old one to Drive Away Hunger

Looking to purchase a new car this weekend? Is a beater taking up space in your driveway? If so, Drive Away Hunger is here to help! Not only are the cars affordable, but whether by donation or through a purchase, you can give hope and restore life to the men, women and children who come…

86 March 27th, 2015 0
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‘Wow’ moments at Portland Rescue Mission (and current job openings)

When you work at an organization like Portland Rescue Mission, “wow” moments are regularly sprinkled throughout the work week. In a place where lives are being transformed regularly, our staff has the opportunity to hear those stories from guests as well as see those themselves. See some of the recent reports from staff below and…

94 February 21st, 2015 0
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Echoes of hope at Connect, Shepherd’s Door

When it comes to safe places for women and children who are homeless, options are limited. The streets of Portland can be dangerous. But amidst the unrelenting stress and insecurity that comes with living on the street, there are opportunities out there for a second chance. At Portland Rescue Mission, we see these stories regularly…

92 January 25th, 2015 0
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Stay Updated With Mobile Alerts!

We have a brand new way to stay in touch! Get updated with Mission news by receiving text alerts on your phone! Remember the freak snowstorm we had earlier this year? What about the boil-water alert in the spring? Emergency situations that bring immediate needs to our Burnside Shelter are great examples of when having a text alert system…

83 October 21st, 2014 0
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Sinking Into Sadness – Tina’s Story of Hope

When Tina found herself homeless, she did everything she could to avoid sleeping on the streets – she’d stay at friends’ houses, in cars, any place that would offer her more protection than the streets. “I was lost, in despair, on my knees begging God to help me.”  At Shepherd’s Door, our New Life recovery…

73 October 1st, 2014 0
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Mondays at the Mission: Ep 33 – Drive Away Hunger!

Did you know that you can donate or buy a car from Portland Rescue Mission to help provide meals and recovery care for people in need? The next time you’re looking to get a new car, come donate your old one to the Mission, or just give us a call and we’ll come get it…

75 August 25th, 2014 0
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