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Burnside Shelter

‘Wow’ moments at Portland Rescue Mission (and current job openings)

When you work at an organization like Portland Rescue Mission, “wow” moments are regularly sprinkled throughout the work week. In a place where lives are being transformed regularly, our staff has the opportunity to hear those stories from guests as well as see those themselves. See some of the recent reports from staff below and then scroll down to see what job opportunities are available if you want to join us in our efforts to give hope and restore life:

Regi Somboonsiri at our Burnside Shelter: “One day, a homeless woman who was losing teeth and was very dirty poked her head through our window and asked: ‘Do you have anything that can make me feel beautiful?’ So I handed her a toothbrush, some toothpaste, lotion, a hairbrush and whatever else we could find. She was so grateful! … Where most might not see these as making her feel beautiful, she absolutely did.”

Troy Williams at Drive Away Hunger: “Although chaotic at times, all the Drive Away Hunger staff have been blessed with many opportunities to pray for and serve our donors and customers.  We recently had a customer call us and agree to pay the full asking price for a car that he saw on our website.  We were very blessed by his purchase and even prayed for him and the car, before he left.  We have also seen a formerly homeless man, who has since gotten a job and housing, now come in and buy a car! God continues to use vehicles, not only to raise money but also as a catalyst for ministry.”

This delightful woman, clean & sober for a year this March, experiences the freedom of swinging for the 1st time!!! pic.twitter.com/TAW6puUz9Y

— PRM Christine Ourada (@prm_christine) February 20, 2015

My wife is doing dental screenings at The Harbor today. We always need more dentists and medical professionals. pic.twitter.com/UZdC8VYLOr

— PRM Dallas Lange (@prm_dallasl) January 30, 2015

Much fun & joy as staff prepared lunch for the men today! Baked chicken, mashed potatoes, potato & green salads. pic.twitter.com/Wzl0WiMMJ5

— PRM Bob Rapp (@prm_bob) February 5, 2015

Link alumni Vinson is loving life: 15 months sober, working, school. Says this mural in our lobby is special to him. pic.twitter.com/yHF1NYeHAe

— PRM June Cassell (@prm_junec) February 12, 2015

5 women recount their past: look forward to continued growth: pointing to God's work in their lives. Phase up! pic.twitter.com/Oa30a5IdKz

— PRM Christine Ourada (@prm_christine) February 12, 2015

Pastor George sharing God's Word. Phil 1:6 – He who began will complete. pic.twitter.com/D70vjxAOhx

— PRM Dallas Lange (@prm_dallasl) January 24, 2015

A guest asked our volunteer to pray with & for him. It was beautiful to see. pic.twitter.com/NB2CZKrtRF

— PRM June Cassell (@prm_junec) January 13, 2015

Stopping for a quick treat on the way home. Good memories is one of the best signs of new life. pic.twitter.com/AejyZ5mh4G

— PRM Dallas Lange (@prm_dallasl) January 15, 2015

Here’s a list of our current opportunities with links to the job descriptions (apply online if you’re interested):
