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Mission Bar-B-Que

Portland Pedal Power Partners with Mission Bar-B-Que to Fight Hunger

Spring is finally here and in Portland, the sun is out! Birds are chirping, flowers are blooming and everyone is spending as much of their time outside as they can. This means that grilling season is in full effect and the scent of juicy barbecue is filling the air.

Portland Pedal bikes have zero emissions

Mission Bar-B-Que Partners with Portland Pedal Power

Our catering service, Mission Bar-B-Que, is making their delicious food available to local businesses downtown, so they don’t have to miss out during their work days.

Because tasty barbecue is everything.

We are partnering with Portland Pedal Power, a sustainable food delivery and catering company who offers a variety of food options for staff meals, meetings and events.

PPP partners with over 80 local restaurants to offer customers a variety of options for staff meals, meetings and events, all in the central Portland area (downtown, NW, inner NE and NE).

Stacey, the owner and CEO spoke about one of their busiest days, “On Pi Day, we delivered hundreds of pies from Pacific Pie Co, HotLips Pizza, Pizza Schmizza, and Gluten Free Gem. It was a Pi Extravaganza! We also delivered a few beanbag love seats from Muji to their customers during their grand opening.”

There are 16 bikes in Portland Pedal Power’s fleet and they can do events that serve 300 people or more.  Each bicycle can feed up to 100 people using one trailer. That is not only enough room to fit our delicious barbecue but also tons of our amazing mac and cheese!

Mission Bar-B-Que’s tasty Mac & Cheese

Your Support Makes a Difference in Portland, Oregon

There are a lot of benefits to order from Portland Pedal Power:

And when you order from Mission Bar-B-Que you support:

Portland Pedal Bikes ride through the streets to deliver great food

Portland Pedal Power Loves Portland Rescue Mission

Stacey explains why Portland Pedal Power is excited to work with Portland Rescue Mission:

“We love the Portland Rescue Mission! We’ve been donating food to you for over a year now and are big supporters of the work you do in our community. When Hunter (Portland Rescue Mission’s sales representative) first connected with us about Mission BBQ, we were excited to support your work in another way. But then he brought us samples and we were blown away by the taste! Now we’re even more jazzed about getting the word about your food to businesses in central Portland. Just in time for BBQ month!”

We are so excited to be partnering with Portland Pedal Power to get Mission Bar-B-Que’s delicious food into the hands of hungry Portlanders.   

Get your orders for PPP and Mission Bar-B-Que Here https://orders.portlandpedalpower.com/

For more information about Mission Bar-B-Que, visit our website at https://www.pdxmissionbbq.org/
