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Shepherd's Door

JoAnn’s Story of Hope

Life was rough for JoAnn growing up. Both parents were addicts, and her father had extreme anger issues – JoAnn has vivid memories of him yelling and breaking things in their house. Surrounded by bad influences (JoAnn had her first alcoholic drink when she was just four years old), the turmoil and fear seemed like a normal part of life. Surrounded by addiction and abuse, she began to copy the life her parents lived.

Decades of this lifestyle left her broken: addicted to drugs and grieving that she could not take care of her children the way she so desperately wanted to. After years of prison and failed rehabilitation, JoAnn finally found the answer she had been looking for all alone.

Watch JoAnn’s story and celebrate with her as she heals from a lifetime of pain and enters a future full of hope!

JoAnn’s Story of Hope on YouTube



Thanks to the compassionate support of friends like you, JoAnn has experienced a total life change in our New Life Ministry at Shepherd’s Door. God is truly at work changing the lives of hurting people at Portland Rescue Mission. Thanks for helping make it possible.

To make a difference for more hurting families, please donate online or call 503-MISSION (647-7466).
