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the harbor

LETTERS FROM LIBBY: Sharing the love of God, one handwritten story at a time.

At the beginning of May, I spent the day at the Burnside shelter, celebrating our guests.  It was our annual Birthday Party for the Homeless. The dining hall was decorated in bright colors, and every guest was receiving cards. Near the end of the evening, a guest looked up from their birthday card and asked,…

177 June 2nd, 2017 2
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Start Summer Off with a New Job at Portland Rescue Mission

Warmer weather has finally come to Rose City! With school ending soon, and summer nearing, you may be in job search-mode. Did you know that Portland Rescue Mission is hiring? We are actively looking to hire people who are passionate about helping hurting men, women and children find hope and healing. We have several positions…

178 May 4th, 2017 0
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Happy National Volunteer Week | 4 Reasons to Serve at Portland Rescue Mission

It’s National Volunteer Appreciation week! The presence of our volunteers at Portland Rescue Mission is such an invaluable part of the work we do on a daily basis. This past year, our volunteers served over 25,000 hours at our various locations. If you’re considering volunteering, here are four reasons why you should join us! NO.…

158 April 20th, 2017 0
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‘Using Their Power for Good’ –Second Grade Students Write to Portland Rescue Mission

Heroes come in all ages and sizes. At Portland Rescue Mission, some of our biggest champions are second grade students at Oregon Episcopal School. With a heart to learn about their city and find the heroes making a change in Portland, several of the students wrote letters of gratitude to the staff at Portland Rescue…

137 April 13th, 2017 0
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Like Waking Up -Anthony Finds Worth and Forgiveness Through Prayer

Soft morning light gently wakes Anthony from a restful sleep. “Good morning, God,” he whispers. “Thank you for the chance to live this day.” It’s been a year since Anthony stepped out of his old life. In the soothing cascade of a hot shower, he remembers the stark contrast of life on the streets. Showers…

147 April 4th, 2017 0
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Join our Marketing Team | Tell the Stories of the Homeless

  You are passionate about seeing the hurting find hope. You are a problem solver. You enjoy social media trends and analytics. You love writing… And that’s what makes you a great candidate for the position of Digital Marketing Specialist at Portland Rescue Mission! You will expand the message and ministry of Portland Rescue Mission…

187 March 9th, 2017 0
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AKA Direct – Directly Impacting the Mission

In this winter season, we are incredibly grateful for the generosity of countless individuals and businesses that have partnered with us, bringing light and hope to the men, women and children in our programs. One great example is the direct mail production company, AKA Direct. In addition to sponsoring our recent telethon events, they also…

145 January 18th, 2017 0
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Defining Moments | A word from the Executive Director

Last fall, America held its breath as the Chicago Cubs battled the Cleveland Indians in the World Series. After a 107-year drought, the Cubs emerged with a hard-won victory, breaking a century-old “curse” of loss. Even people who weren’t die-hard Cubs fans had to smile at their dramatic turn. It was a Disney movie feel-good…

148 January 9th, 2017 0
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“God, if you’re out there…” Brian’s heartfelt prayer helped set him free

It’s 3:00 a.m. and he’s wide awake. The cold, misty light of a street lamp casts a long shadow over a lonely park bench and Brian’s slumped silhouette. The city is sleeping, but there’s no way he can rest. Fear pierces his heart like the icy winter wind chilling his tense body. Regrets echo endlessly…

148 January 4th, 2017 0
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Harbor Graduates Share “Ah-Ha” Moments

We recently celebrated the graduation of three men from the New Life Recovery Program at The Harbor. At their graduation, these men shared some of the most significant moment’s from their journey of hope. Bradley Bradley thought he could do things on his own. “Before I came here, I fought everything of any consequence that…

152 October 12th, 2016 0
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