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Burnside Shelter

AKA Direct – Directly Impacting the Mission


In this winter season, we are incredibly grateful for the generosity of countless individuals and businesses that have partnered with us, bringing light and hope to the men, women and children in our programs. One great example is the direct mail production company, AKA Direct.

In addition to sponsoring our recent telethon events, they also continued their tradition of donating around 275 pounds of boneless beef rib eye, so nearly 500 guests and residents at our Burnside Shelter could have a very special Christmas dinner. Our guests were deeply impacted and blessed by the extra special night.

“They give us a beautiful dinner. The Mission around the holidays is very beautiful,” said Lisa, a guest at the Burnside Shelter.

On behalf of those we serve, we are grateful for the AKA team and their continued support. You are deeply appreciated!

It’s not too late for your business to join us in providing hope this winter to men and women facing homelessness. Contact our Community Engagement Specialist at erin.moussallem@pdxmission.org to get involved today.


