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Burnside Shelter

Start Summer Off with a New Job at Portland Rescue Mission

Warmer weather has finally come to Rose City! With school ending soon, and summer nearing, you may be in job search-mode.

Did you know that Portland Rescue Mission is hiring?

We are actively looking to hire people who are passionate about helping hurting men, women and children find hope and healing. We have several positions open involving hands-on ministry in different aspects of the Mission: from cooking with Mission Bar-B-Que to working with guests at our Burnside Shelter, to writing Grants. Find your fit here!

Click below to learn more about each of our open positions.


Assistant Pit Chef – Full time with Mission Bar-B-Que


Women’s Growth Counselor (Licensed Counselor) -Full time at Shepherd’s Door


Men’s Ministry – Nighttime Guest Care Team Member– Part time at The Burnside Shelter


Equipping Manager –Full time at Shepherd’s Door, volunteer coordinating


Grant Writer (Part Time) -Part time at the Administration office


Intake Specialist –Full time at Shepherd’s Door

Know someone that might fit one of these descriptions? Forward this to your friends and family.


Here’s a look at life around the Mission


Thanks to Julie Duris and @Thrivent for hosting a women’s breakfast to pack goody bags for the women at Shepherd’s Door! pic.twitter.com/uVP7ClRl0a

— PDX Rescue Mission (@pdxmission) May 4, 2017


— PDX Rescue Mission (@pdxmission) April 30, 2017

Join our Mission Bar-B-Que Team as the next Pit Master! https://t.co/dKywwn7CWt pic.twitter.com/BI8S75drjw

— PDX Rescue Mission (@pdxmission) April 27, 2017


— PDX Rescue Mission (@pdxmission) April 29, 2017

Happy National Volunteer Appreciation Week! We love our volunteers! pic.twitter.com/axXJPVlR4b

— PDX Rescue Mission (@pdxmission) April 24, 2017

Katey has served 6 years as a volunteer receptionist! A fun fact about Katey is that she just went to Zambia as a nurse! We <3 you Katey! pic.twitter.com/YjvpHMhGvG

— PDX Rescue Mission (@pdxmission) April 27, 2017

Alex has volunteered for the past 6 years. What brings him back? “What I learn from guests and staff about treating people with respect.” pic.twitter.com/OfiPmbOxME

— PDX Rescue Mission (@pdxmission) April 27, 2017

@melodysangels1 and students from Aloha High School served dinner and sang to our guests! pic.twitter.com/R5QmsTVYvS

— PDX Rescue Mission (@pdxmission) April 26, 2017

“There’s just so many lifelong friendships that I’m building here. Then, at my church, they’ve embraced me also with open arms.” -Zeke pic.twitter.com/989NJWMxmw

— PDX Rescue Mission (@pdxmission) April 17, 2017

UWS Service Club members had a blast @pdxmission preparing and serving food with the Shepherd’s Door community! pic.twitter.com/X5C1RmRr52

— Univ.WesternStates (@UWS_news) April 12, 2017

Champions of the Mission come in all sizes and ages. These kids raised money for the Mission by hosting a Charity Art Sale! <3 pic.twitter.com/d1C6qk852Z

— PDX Rescue Mission (@pdxmission) April 8, 2017

Thanks @phaganspdx for giving haircuts to our guests! pic.twitter.com/w6hBOSXiQ8

— PDX Rescue Mission (@pdxmission) April 7, 2017

This is how we do Wednesdays -full of joy and celebration. #worship pic.twitter.com/ylBJtyUrfP

— PDX Rescue Mission (@pdxmission) April 5, 2017
