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Holiday Volunteering at Portland Rescue Mission in 2017

We know Last week was Halloween and the leaves are as beautiful as ever but, believe it or not, Christmas is 7 weeks away! The holidays are some of the busiest and most joyful times here at Portland Rescue Mission. Did you know that 54% of our annual support comes in at this time? Donations…

120 November 7th, 2017 0
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Couple Serves on Their Wedding Weekend

Not many couples spend their rehearsal dinner serving at a rescue mission. Meet Elizabeth and Adam, who did just that. “Our marriage is not just about us, our marriage is about learning to serve together and doing things that are beyond us,” said Elizabeth. So the night before Elizabeth and Adam got married, they served…

147 August 21st, 2017 1
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Ceaseless Prayer in Action

Daily, our staff serve and invest in the lives of our guests at the Burnside Shelter. It’s amazing when our guests also express care for us. Zack, one of our faithful night team staff members, can attest to this. He had just arrived at the Burnside shelter for his shift, when Rowen, * a participant…

149 August 16th, 2017 0
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Students Play Basketball –Raise 3K for Men and Women In Need

  A crowd of over one thousand people gathered at the school assembly, but the principal called on twenty middle school students to stand. These students­––members of a basketball club started by Beaverton Foursquare for Somali refugees––raised funds to help men and women facing homelessness. “The kids had no idea how much money they had…

116 August 15th, 2017 0
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7 Ways To Help Homeless People Beat The Heat

  A scorching heat wave continues across the Portland area. With temperatures well above 90 degrees, people living on the street, in garages or cars risk real danger. Dehydration, heat stroke, hunger, sickness and violence are a constant threat. You can help! Here’s 7 suggestions to reach out with love…   1. Refer people to our…

118 August 8th, 2017 0
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This week we are celebrating four men from The Harbor and their completion of the New Life Recovery Program! These men have completed at least a year with us––growing in healthy community, new habits, Christ-like character and life skills.   A couple of them shared about their journey thus far.          …

141 August 4th, 2017 0
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Heatwave Hits the Northwest: Extreme Conditions for People Living Homeless

The National Weather Service posted an excessive heat warning for northwest Oregon earlier this week. Today, highs are reaching 105 degrees Fahrenheit. During extreme heat, men, women and children facing homelessness are even more vulnerable as they navigate the temperature. “The effect of this extreme heat is comparable to when we have the most severe…

105 August 3rd, 2017 0
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4 Steps to A Restored Life: The New Life Program

Most people know that Portland Rescue Mission gives hope to thousands of people in crisis by providing free hot meals, safe shelter, showers, clothing, mail service, 24/7 restrooms and chapel services. But that’s just the beginning! Hundreds of lives are transformed in our free residential New Life Ministries at The Harbor for men and at…

118 July 19th, 2017 0
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Season of HOPE: Summer at Portland Rescue Mission

Being homeless in the summer is no vacation. For people living on the streets, life is a constant threat of dehydration, heat stroke, hunger, sickness and violence. There’s no rest, only survival. There’s little dignity, only despair. Thanks to generous supporters like you, we have a chance to meet these urgent needs and give hope…

110 July 12th, 2017 0
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How To Pack A Care Kit to Help Someone Homeless

  What do I do when approached by a man or woman facing homelessness? Should I give them money? You can donate to Portland Rescue Mission, where your money will go to provide the help and support men, women and children need to get off the streets. You can also create Care Kits to hand out…

151 June 26th, 2017 1
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