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About Homelessness

Season of HOPE: Summer at Portland Rescue Mission

Being homeless in the summer is no vacation. For people living on the streets, life is a constant threat of dehydration, heat stroke, hunger, sickness and violence. There’s no rest, only survival. There’s little dignity, only despair.

Thanks to generous supporters like you, we have a chance to meet these urgent needs and give hope to people who are struggling. We’ve expanded our summer services over the years to include life-saving, life-restoring care like:

Portland Rescue Mission, Burnside Shelter, Shepherd's Door, The Harbor, New Life Ministry, New Life Ministries, Hope Ministry, Hope Ministries

“I went a couple weeks without a shower and a few days without food,” Gordon remembers. As an army veteran, he knew how to rough it. But being homeless for months on end took a brutal toll on his pride. Summertime heat left him dirty, smelly and ashamed. It was tough to ask for help.

Gordon is so grateful to have joined our year-long recovery program for men. “I was definitely grateful for a shower,” he says. “I don’t deserve it—having laundry, a bed and everything. It’s a lot less stressful not having to worry about all of that while I’m here. I couldn’t ask for more.”

More than anything Gordon is glad to leave his old life behind. “Before I came here, I was a liar, a cheat and a thief. I didn’t know God or care about anybody,” he says. “Now I choose honesty over anything. Portland Rescue Mission gave me a chance to change.


Summertime is when donations drop to their lowest. Your support today will keep our programs going strong!


Check out our Summer Newsletter HERE:


