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Phagans beauty school brings talent, transformation to Burnside Shelter guests

                            When you are on the streets your hair gets dirty and greasy, matted and messy. Everyone needs a haircut, and our friends on the streets are no exception.   At Portland Rescue Mission, we exist to give hope and restore life to…

162 July 11th, 2016 0
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Art at the Burnside Shelter inspires hope, encourages creativity and dreams

It’s noon on a Thursday at the Burnside Shelter. Thursdays are a good day. The Guest Care Center door is open and art and color and the sharing of life takes place. Step inside and you’ll meet Andrew and Erin. Both on staff at Portland Rescue Mission, the two wanted to create a place where…

124 February 12th, 2016 0
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Homeless man uses book reviews to transform his life (news roundup)

Life transformation is one of the most exciting things to witness, and here at Portland Rescue Mission, it is something we are extremely passionate about. It is why our New Life Ministries exist along with our Hope and Pathway Ministries. We also love a good story—which is why we want to share one of our…

104 September 10th, 2015 0
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Homeless man’s music captivates nation, reconnects him with son (news roundup)

Here at Portland Rescue Mission, one of the greatest joys of what we do is to witness transformation in the lives of men, women and kids. From the moment someone steps into our New Life Ministries at either The Harbor or Shepherd’s Door, to the time they experience their graduation celebration, evidence of their past…

112 July 22nd, 2015 2
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Homelessness awareness: Top 5 reasons youths end up homeless (news roundup)

Portland Rescue Mission desires to see men, women and children find hope through a restored life, free from the bondage that comes with homelessness and addiction. Portland Rescue Mission also desires to raise awareness on the topic of homelessness. Stay up-to date on our blog as we share the recent news and stories circulating on…

104 June 23rd, 2015 0
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Homelessness awareness: NFL players sleep on the streets (news roundup)

While Portland is beautiful and sunny, the harsh reality of homelessness remains the same for many of Portland Rescue Mission’s guests at our Burnside Shelter. Being homeless on the streets of Portland is hard, and regardless of whether it’s summertime or not, life doesn’t get any easier. Beyond us offering hope and resources to our…

97 June 16th, 2015 0
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Report: Homelessness numbers in Portland virtually the same as in 2013

Multnomah County recently released the 2015 “Point-in-Time” report: a bi-annual count of homeless men, women and children in Portland/Multnomah County on any given night. Two changes are from the last report done in 2013 show a slight shift. The first is a drop in homeless individuals in the Portland/Multnomah County area to around 3,800 from…

103 June 7th, 2015 0
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Drive Away Hunger cares for community, aids transformation

Each vehicle donated to Portland Rescue Mission has a story and has value. “Each car is seen as a sacrifice from a family. It’s part of their wealth,” Car Sales and Donations Manager Dick Osborne said. Such gifts directly impact the men, women and children we serve at the Mission by helping fund our Hope Ministries,…

107 June 5th, 2015 0
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Portland Rescue Mission’s vignettes of hope (from the archives)

Men, women and children trapped in brokenness are being set free every day at Portland Rescue Mission. Watching God heal people through forgiveness and leaving the past behind is so inspiring to us. We love sharing these stories, especially through video, so you can meet the people you give hope to when you support the…

98 June 3rd, 2015 2
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