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Burnside Shelter

Phagans beauty school brings talent, transformation to Burnside Shelter guests
















When you are on the streets your hair gets dirty and greasy, matted and messy. Everyone needs a haircut, and our friends on the streets are no exception.  

At Portland Rescue Mission, we exist to give hope and restore life to men, women and children in our city. Recently our friends at Phagans School of Hair Design helped us to do just that by offering free salon care to our guests. 

“We’re all about trying to improve lives. Whether you come in to get a haircut or if you go to school, if we can turn your life around, we’ll do it,” said Carla Stanfill, Director of Education at Phagans School of Hair Design. 

Our guests were offered men’s clipper cuts, women’s haircuts, eyebrow shaping and makeovers. It made a big difference not only in how they looked, but how they felt. 

“I feel pretty,” said Janet, one of the guests getting her makeup done.  

Their generosity is not limited to Portland Rescue Mission. Phagans serves the community by offering low-cost haircuts, making it possible for men and women struggling financially to afford a haircut at their Lloyd Center location. 

IMG_3123The staff at Phagans are also advocates for anyone interested in joining their school and getting the financial aid they may need. “We had a gentleman who was living on the streets complete our barbering program and is now successful. So it’s about changing lives,” said Cathy Barsaloux, Marketing and Communications Director at Phagan’s. 

“I remember [at] graduation there wasn’t a dry eye in the house,” she said. 

For Cathy, serving at the Burnside Shelter had an even greater significance. “My brother had been here several times,” she said. She’d driven past many times but, until today, never toured the facility. She was happy to be able to give something back. 

“This is such a small way; We have so much more we could give back. We’re already going to clean our closets,” said Carla. 

Whether someone needs a shave or a trim, or even a career change, Phagans School of Hair Design offers an incredible opportunity. 

“Everybody falls on hard luck, it could be us next. There’s no guarantees in this life, and I realize that,” said Carla. “Just giving back is so much of a gift. It’s better than any shopping spree or spa day you could ever have, because you can give back out of your heart and that’s everything.” 

Thank you Phagans School of Hair Design for sharing your heart and your talent, and for restoring dignity to those we serve. You are appreciated! 

Come join in the transformational work taking place at Portland Rescue Mission. There are many opportunities to volunteer. Apply online HERE or email us at volunteer@pdxmission.org. Because of you, we are able to give hope and restore life. If you’d like to give towards the ministry of Portland Rescue Mission, click HERE to find out more.
