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Gresham Ford is Hands On in Caring for Portland’s Homeless

“Better communities happen when we all get involved,” said Bess Wills, General Manager at Gresham Ford. Known in the community as the “Dealer with a Heart,” Gresham Ford has been actively involved in the Portland/Gresham area through the Contribute to the Community program, benefiting over 250 local charities and non-profits. “Everyone I work with, each…

130 December 16th, 2016 0
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90 Years of Community Giving with Fred Meyer

Fred Meyer’s philosophy of giving starting with Mr. Meyer himself, nearly 90 years ago. “He was a firm believer in giving back to the customers and communities that we do business in,” said Judi Swift, Community Relations Coordinator.   “That is still part of our corporate philosophy today, whether it is through volunteering, donations, community rewards,…

120 December 14th, 2016 0
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Ready for a new career in the new year? Work for Portland Rescue Mission

Featured Postion: You thrive on creative and logical problem solving. You are good with numbers. You have experience in the accounting field. You want to see lives transformed.   Does this sound like you? Apply as an Accounts Payable Specialist at Portland Rescue Mission! We are looking for someone to join our finance team part-time. Click…

145 December 12th, 2016 0
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Dannon Partners with PDX Mission to Give Hope

  For the past 74 years, Dannon has served the community by “bringing health through food to as many people as possible.” They have fed families across the globe with their top-of the line yogurt, offering close to 200 different types and flavors of fresh and frozen dairy products. Not only has Dannon served the…

155 December 7th, 2016 0
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Holiday Gift Guide: Make it a ‘Yellow and Black Friday’

As of Friday, the Christmas season is officially in full swing. Malls will be packed with people. Decorations will be up everywhere. Christmas lights will be glimmering. And between now and December 25, the calendar will be joyfully packed with activities and events. It’s a time that is, for many of us, filled with joy,…

127 November 23rd, 2016 0
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Therapy dog wins hearts of children at The Mission

Luna has black curly hair, peppered with grey. She has four legs and is 67 pounds of pure love. Luna is a therapy dog. And not just any therapy dog, she is a golden doodle (half poodle and half retriever). Her highlights of the week is going with her owner, Judy, to visit the the…

136 November 21st, 2016 0
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TALES FROM THE LIGHTHOUSE: A Peak Inside the Burnside Shelter

This is a season of remembering and giving thanks. One of our favorite ways to stop and celebrate at the Mission is by sharing “Glimmers”- short stories of hope that each of us encounter. Below are a collection of our recent favorites from the Burnside Shelter, shared by director Tim, and Guest Care Manager, Andrew.…

135 October 31st, 2016 0
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Join Our Team | Job Openings at Portland Rescue Mission

  You are passionate about seeing the hurting find hope. You are a problem solver. You enjoy social media trends and analytics. You love writing… And that’s what makes you a great fit for the position of Digital Marketing Specialist at Portland Rescue Mission! You will expand the message and ministry of Portland Rescue Mission…

130 October 17th, 2016 0
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Harbor Graduates Share “Ah-Ha” Moments

We recently celebrated the graduation of three men from the New Life Recovery Program at The Harbor. At their graduation, these men shared some of the most significant moment’s from their journey of hope. Bradley Bradley thought he could do things on his own. “Before I came here, I fought everything of any consequence that…

144 October 12th, 2016 0
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How Will You Spend World Homeless Action Day?

October 10th marks the 6th annual World Homeless Action Day. Since it’s founding in 2010, this day has been observed in several dozen countries with the goal to raise awareness about homelessness as well as celebrate and support local efforts to care for men, women and children experiencing homelessness. At Portland Rescue Mission, we are…

125 October 7th, 2016 0
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