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90 Years of Community Giving with Fred Meyer


We are grateful to Fred Meyer for sponsoring our Give Hope and Hope for the Holidays telethons.

Fred Meyer’s philosophy of giving starting with Mr. Meyer himself, nearly 90 years ago. “He was a firm believer in giving back to the customers and communities that we do business in,” said Judi Swift, Community Relations Coordinator. 

 “That is still part of our corporate philosophy today, whether it is through volunteering, donations, community rewards, foundation grants or sponsorships.”

Our friends at Fred Meyer have supported Portland Rescue Mission for many years, helping us give hope and restore life to men, women and children facing homelessness and addiction.

 “We understand that people become homeless for many reasons. The Mission gives these people hope, healing, guidance, and most of all a meal when there is nowhere else to turn,” said Swift. With the increased homeless situation in Portland, we need the Portland Rescue Mission now more than ever.”

 Fred Meyer has included us as a charity in their Community Rewards Program, donated towards our annual Birthday Party for the Homeless as well as sponsored our Give Hope and Hope for the Holidays telethons. They also generously provided gift cards to our new monthly donors that called in during the telethon.

 Make sure to link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Portland Rescue Mission. Fred Meyer allocates a portion of your purchase towards giving hope and restoring life at the Mission, while you keep all of your benefits.

And the next time you shop at Fred Meyer, make sure to thank them for their involvement in the community and their partnership with Portland Rescue Mission.

