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Summer Adventures in the Family Life Center


Summer at Shepherd’s Door means outdoor play, water parks and plenty of field trips for the children in the Family Life Ministry.
“Some of the kids have never been to the zoo,” said Julie Popova, a teacher in the Family Life Center. We are making sure the children and families have plenty of fun this summer.

As an integral ministry within Portland Rescue Mission, The Family Life Center provides a safe and healing place for the children of Shepherd’s Door. While moms are in the New Life Recovery Program, the children are also experiencing a Bible-based program that promotes healthy development. During the school year, The Family Life Center focuses on school readiness for pre-school age children as well as after school care and activities for elementary students.

Summertime allows for new activities and outings with all of the kids. This summer we will have upwards of 28 kids with us.

Summer themes such as Disney, Under Water World, and Sports are characterizing each week of the summer. Julie said that they will be taking the kids to the children’s museum, water parks, and out for blueberry picking.

All of the actives have the ultimate goal of building trust, creating a space for fun and learning, and to promote healing for the children we serve.

Julie said that the staff have noticed that a child will often come in feeling insecure, afraid and unable to trust.

“They haven’t experienced the love they are craving. But as they begin to feel safe and experience love, they open up and can talk about how they feel.”

“The best part of the FLC is the opportunity to share Jesus with the kids,” said Julie. Many of the children don’t’ have relationships with their own dads. She loves sharing about Christ’s love and introducing children to God as a loving and kind Father.

This is going to be a fun and special summer for our children and their moms.
Thank you for giving hope and restoring life for our smaller residents.

Want to join in the summer fun? Apply today as a volunteer.

The Family Life Center loves arts and crafts. Want to donate towards their supplies? Mail supplies or drop off at Shepherd’s Door at 13207 NE Halsey St, Portland Oregon, 97230.

