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Dan desperately wanted help, and The Harbor answered

For years, Dan let his alcohol addiction decide his future. Now, after being at The Harbor, he’s let God guide his future.

For years, Dan let his alcohol addiction decide his future. Now, after being at The Harbor, he’s let God guide his future.

At Portland Rescue Mission, we often see people come through our doors with wounded hearts and dim futures. But, many of those lives have been restored … and all through the hope given by your support.

A perfect example of this is Dan, who might not be alive today without help from friends like you. He never imagined the first sip of alcohol at age 10 would lead to decades of full-blown addiction. But as he lay shaking in a hospital bed, his body wracked with alcohol poisoning, Dan desperately wanted his life to change.

My addiction was covering up all the hard stuff in my life,” says Dan. “From childhood experiences to a bad marriage, I tried to block them out with my alcohol abuse.” Life unraveled at a frightening pace. Finally, Dan fell to his knees and cried out to God for help.

Your support gives people like Dan a second chance at life. At The Harbor, our New Life Ministry for men, counseling helped Dan let go of the past. “I don’t have to carry around that weight in my life. I’m forgiving people who hurt me and I’m asking forgiveness for what I’ve done.”

Dan left behind more than just alcohol. He’s shedding the shame and isolation that kept him from finding the wholeness his heart longed for. “I see now that God is loving. He doesn’t want me to push Him away. He’s always there with open arms to guide me.”

Today, Dan is glad to be in touch with his children and grandchildren. Every day is filled with renewed hope as he looks forward to graduating from The Harbor and starting a brand new life.

For Dan, the Mission became a refuge of safety, a lighthouse pointing the path home. Hundreds more men and women like him are rescued from despair, thanks to your compassionate support of the Mission.

For many people, the friendship and hospitality you provide is the first step toward a new life through our variety of short- and long-term recovery programs.

the-harbor-sign-1024x824All of these vital, life-restoring services are provided free of charge. We receive no government funding for any of our work, which is why your compassionate and generous support is so important and deeply appreciated.

The new year will bring thousands of new faces through our door, each one an opportunity for the Mission to give hope and restore life. We are so thankful for the ever-present love of God and His desire to work through us – and you – to bring comfort and hope to hurting people.

At Portland Rescue Mission, we are committed to serving Him and others –  like Dan – thanks to the blessing of your support. (Outside of offering a special gift to the Mission, if you know someone caught in the storms of addiction, please guide them to either our New Life Ministry for men at The Harbor and/or women and children at Shepherd’s Door).
