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Working for something greater at Portland Rescue Mission (current job openings)

The Family Life Center makes it so restoration can happen at Shepherd's Door.

The Family Life Center makes it so restoration can happen at Shepherd’s Door.

There are so many great reasons to come to work at Portland Rescue Mission. You love to see hungry people fed. You love to see lives restored. You love to witness true growth and transformation. You love the Lord and want to be a part of the amazing work that He’s doing every day in the lives of men, women and children suffering from hunger, homelessness and addiction. Here’s a few more reasons you may not have thought of …

YOU LOVE KIDS: At Shepherd’s Door, in particular, one of the most vital parts of the life restoration that happens occurs because of our Family Life Center (FLC). The FLC is where the children of our women’s residents spend their days while their moms are working through the 12-month restoration program. Under the care and watchful eyes of the incredible FLC staff, the kids at Shepherd’s Door get the attention they need to thrive in the recovery process. You too can be a part of their journeys through one of the two positions currently open in the FLC.

YOU LOVE CARS: If you love working with your hands and anything with four wheels, Drive Away Hunger is your place. Drive Away Hunger is not only one of the Mission’s most important fundraising tools, it also serves as a huge blessing both for the people looking to do the most good with a car they want to get rid of and/or those looking for a new one.

YOU LOVE BBQ (and who doesn’t?): Mission Bar-B-Que is our newest social enterprise at the Mission. Mission Bar-B-Que is not only the best BBQ in the northwest, it’s also a vital part of our vocational training with residents of our New Life Ministries.

We have other openings available below, but before you get there, see what it looks like when friends like you put their love to work at the Mission:

First guitar class at The Harbor today. 10 men excited to learn guitar. Thanks @Guitarfishmusic for your support! pic.twitter.com/RVvQVNG8BT

— PRM Dallas Lange (@prm_dallasl) January 21, 2016

BEST MOMENT OF THE YEAR: The moment I realized I never have to use again! -SD woman. #pdxmission #lovemyjob pic.twitter.com/d589na4PSE

— PRM Erin Fowler (@prm_erin) January 7, 2016

Meet Delana, who sold all but 10 outfits of hers to give what she could to Shepherd's Door: https://t.co/fa2zdx1p2f pic.twitter.com/L4AOMdjLIJ

— PDX Rescue Mission (@pdxmission) January 7, 2016

Volunteering with @pdxmission not only impacts those you serve, YOUR LIFE also is forever changed. pic.twitter.com/qOT1woqLB1

— PRM Erin Fowler (@prm_erin) January 4, 2016

A piece of this iconic carpet has come to us as the airport is donating part of their proceeds of its sales to us! pic.twitter.com/Q9qv8g1CwP

— Stephanie Berry (@prm_stephanie) December 22, 2015

This is a wild winter. Thanks for helping us get people off the streets and into hope. pic.twitter.com/2jMcFnepZl

— PRM Erin Fowler (@prm_erin) January 4, 2016


— The Harbor (@prm_theharbor) January 14, 2016

An icy, cold reality for homeless men and women on the streets https://t.co/ElztxvSk8K; #PRM answers the call pic.twitter.com/4jirMEGX1q

— PDX Rescue Mission (@pdxmission) January 20, 2016

For 9 years, volunteers from @UPS have been delivering more than packages to #PRM: https://t.co/vrtimOWbVu pic.twitter.com/KhvXbIRxgr

— PDX Rescue Mission (@pdxmission) January 12, 2016

WOMEN’S RESIDENT CARE SPECIALIST (Shepherd’s Door) – Part-time

WOMEN’S CONNECT NIGHT ASSOCIATE (Burnside Shelter) – Part-time

DONOR ENGAGEMENT OFFICER (administration office) – Full-time

VEHICLE MECHANIC (Drive Away Hunger) – Full-time

ASSISTANT COOK (Mission Bar-B-Que) – Full-time


PRESCHOOL COORDINATOR (Shepherd’s Door) – Full-time

