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Transform lives at Portland Rescue Mission, one month at a time

2014-COF-logo-200pxwOne day at a time. One week at a time. One month at a time. One life at a time. Thanks to the consistency of friends like you, that’s how the lives of  men, women and children suffering from homelessness and addiction are being transformed at Portland Rescue Mission.

Since we don’t receive government funds, it is only because of your faithful giving that we’re able to do what we do—we are 100 percent supported by your generosity. And many have chosen to express their generosity in the new year by joining our Circle of Friends monthly giving program.

Will you join our Circle of Friends?

You monthly gift allows us to keep the doors open at Shepherd’s Door and The Harbor, where we house up to 62 women and children and 46 men, respectively, as they travel down the road of addiction recovery. You allow us to feed more than 900 guests each day who come to the Burnside Shelter seeking a friendly face and a warm meal. You allow us to offer safe shelter to more than 200 people per night all throughout the Mission. And together we will do even more in the coming year.

As a member of our Circle of Friends, you choose the amount of support you want to give each month and it will be automatically deducted from your bank account or card of choice. You’ll only hear from us four times a year and, in the process, you’ll be helping us save on postage and printing.

Cover-Winter-NL-VivianThe mail you will receive from us will include a quarterly statement of your giving along with our latest Rescue Portland newsletter, which recently included a “Story of Hope” from Vivian (New Life Ministries graduate) and Delana, who sold most of her clothes to give what she could to Shepherd’s Door.

With your help, the Mission will continue to give hope and restore lives for many more years to come. Help us make 2016 our most impactful year yet!
