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Mission Bar-B-Que, a hit at NW Alternative Housing’s annual picnic

Mission-BBQ-Logo-smThe secret is out: Mission Bar-B-Que is a hit with people who have ordered from Portland Rescue Mission’s newest enterprise.

Thanks, in part, to a story in The Oregonian about Mission Bar-B-Que pit master Dwight, a former New Life Ministries graduate of The Harbor, the praise keeps on coming. After reading Dwight’s story, as well as learning about the additional opportunities for vocational training for our New Life Ministries participants, NW Alternative Housing called up Mission Bar-B-Que to have us provide food for their annual picnic.

Here is the response from one of their employees:

Oh my gosh, everyone loved your food so much! We gobbled up the burnt ends of the brisket first thing—thank you for including them. People raved about pretty much everything, but the brisket, beans, mac and cheese, and apple crisp were standouts. I don’t think we’ve ever finished an event with so few leftovers.

We will definitely recommend Mission Bar-B-Que to other companies and use you again for events in the future.  Thank you for helping make our picnic such a success!

If you want Mission Bar-B-Que at your next big church or business event, or perhaps even your next big family gathering, call 855-MSSN-BBQ (855-677-6227) or email BBQ@PDXMission.org. For prices and menu items, check out our website at www.PDXMissionBBQ.org.
