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Hope Ministries

Three Reasons to Volunteer at Portland Rescue Mission: Intern Spotlight

Instead of a “summer break,” Sarah, a senior at Moody Bible College, invested her summer at Shepherd’s Door as a live-in intern.


Sarah is studying Women’s Ministry. Interning here is “giving me a taste of fulltime ministry,” she said.


“This gives me an opportunity to use what I’m gifted at and what I’ve learned in class and daily life.” Sarah is living alongside the women, planning chapel services, sitting in classes and talking with women one-on-one.


“What has touched me the most is having good conversations with the women here and being able to pray with them and offer them the hope that Jesus offers. It’s the highlight of my week if I get to do that.”


Sarah’s 3 Reasons to Get involved Here:





If you are interested in volunteering or interning at Portland Rescue Mission, CLICK HERE fill out the application or send us an email at volunteer@pdxmission.org.
