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Inside the Mission

Next Step Renovation Doubles Capacity

Renovation of Next Step, Portland Rescue Mission's recovery site in northeast Portland, will double its capacity.

Work began in August for an extensive renovation of Next Step, our men’s addiction recovery site in northeast Portland. The expansion will double our capacity, leaving more space for emergency care (meals, shelter, relationship-building) with homeless men and women at the Burnside Shelter downtown.

The project is made possible by a $700,000 grant from the Affrordable Housing Program, with US Bank serving as our sponsor and partner to secure this generous gift. The Home Builders Foundation also facilitated an estimated $325,000 in donated labor, materials and construction expertise.

Upon completion in spring 2013, Next Step will be home to 40 men enrolled in the Mission’s 12- to 18-month recovery ministry. On-site classes, counseling and job skills will assist men overcome root issues, freeing them from homelessness and addiction.

Please pray for continued progress and funding for this life-giving project.

See photo slide show embedded below or on Flickr:
