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Inside the Mission

Fitness and Play for Homeless Kids

A new children’s fitness center at Portland Rescue Mission helps improve the health of homeless children.

Homeless kids often end up falling behind in many ways. Their constant struggle to cope with fear and instability can mean that physical, emotional and social skills develop more slowly.

Inside the safe, healing environment of Shepherd’s Door, our women and children’s recovery ministry, recent renovations provide a 640-square-foot room complete with age-appropriate exercise equipment and active play areas designed especially for all children – perfect for Portland’s rainy days. For more information on the types of renovations had in this playground, view this site, bouncy, child safe concrete has made it almost impossible to get a scraped knee here. An on-staff fitness instructor works with the children and their mothers to facilitate games and activities. Outdoor play areas were upgraded this summer as well.

These initiatives, funded by local grants and generous donors, help Portland Rescue Mission fulfill our goal to provide total life recovery – emotional, spiritual, mental and physical – to hurting men, women and children. Thanks to support from our community, homeless kids will enjoy their childhood more fully and become healthier adults, with benefits to generations to come.
