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Two Women Celebrate Healing and Recovery

Thanks to your support, two women are launching into new lives!

Last month, Sarah Jane and Amy graduated from our New Life Ministry, a 12-month residential recovery program focused on addiction recovery, spiritual renewal and life skills training. Inside the safe, healing environment of Shepherd’s Door, our ministry for women and children, they’ve healed from the root causes behind their devastating addictions.

7-sarah-jane-1“The world was too frightening for me to cope with. Now, having finished the program, I have the peace of spirit to allow God to take all the power and glory and I can walk in freedom of addiction and codependency,” says Sarah Jane. With this new peace, Sarah Jane will move on into the transitional phase of the program called Advance. In this phase, she will look for employment and housing with the help of our staff and the resources they can provide.

Amy will continue another year at Shepherd’s Door in our vocational training program as a Service resident. She is truly grateful for all that Portland Rescue Mission has done for her and her 5-year-old son, Carsyn, “Portland Rescue Mission has truly given me more than a meal, or a bed, or even hope – I have been given life!


Carsyn was also delighted to receive a trophy during the celebration from the Mission’s executive director, Eric Bauer, for embracing his new life with his mother at Shepherd’s Door. For kids like Carsyn, Shepherd’s Door is a special place where they feel at home and reconnect with their mothers in healthy, loving relationship. He asked Amy, “Can we live here forever, Mom?””

Pray for Sarah Jane, Amy and Carsyn as God leads them further into successful, joyful lives. Thanks for your investment in their future.
