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Project Christmas Care: Everyone can give something, even 6-year-old Lucy

Lucy's giving jar

Lucy’s giving jar

Everyone has something to give, and everyone can contribute to a place like Portland Rescue Mission for many different reasons.

For Lucy, it was because of a woman she met named Cami. After seeing her mom give Cami a gift card for some food to eat, she thought it was important to do even more for people experiencing homelessness. She saved up $10.42 to give to the Mission so she can “help people have a good place to stay.” And she wants you to do the same!

One of the best ways you can make a difference for a man, woman, and child in our programs is through Project Christmas Care. With your help, our hope is to purchase at least one meaningful gift for every person at Shepherd’s Door, The Harbor, and in our Connect program. But we need to meet our goal by this Friday! And with only 75 gifts to go, we are over halfway there! (UPDATE: We have now completed our goal! Thank you!)

Will you help us gain even more momentum and donate to Project Christmas Care TODAY? And while you are at it, tell us your favorite giving story. Why do you give to Portland Rescue Mission? (Share your experience in the comments below).


Your gift of $40 provides a meaningful Christmas present

Homelessness hurts. Because of their painful past, most of the people we serve haven’t had a joyful Christmas in a long, long time. The holidays only deepen their sense of loss and isolation. “There were lots of years where I didn’t really have Christmas at all,” says Doug, one of the men who sought help in our New Life Ministry for men.

You can give friendship and joy to a child, woman or man this Christmas. Your gift of $40 provides meaningful gifts they’ll open on Christmas morning, helping them feel loved and remembered. Help us reach our goal of providing presents for 160 people in all of our recovery programs.

Give joy this Christmas: PortlandRescueMission.org/ChristmasCare
