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‘Rucksgiving’ comes to Portland Rescue Mission, adds creative spin on giving

While many people spent their long Thanksgiving weekend after the annual holiday festivities on Thursday decorating for Christmas and shopping for gifts, a group of 20 people from FEAR Platoon and BEASTS Obstacle Course Racers made other plans. They spent Saturday celebrating the first ever “Rucksgiving” in the Portland area. Hiking through downtown Portland, each…

135 December 3rd, 2015 0
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Famous Footwear donates socks, serves Connect Ministry at Burnside Shelter

During the cold and rainy winter months, especially, keeping your feet warm and dry when you’re experiencing homelessness and living on the streets is vital. That is why a good pair of socks is one of the greatest needs of our guests at Portland Rescue Mission. We can easily distribute over 400 pairs of socks…

122 November 11th, 2015 0
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Medical Teams’ dental program stops by Shepherd’s Door to serve residents

Dentistry may not be the first thing people think about when it comes to health care, but it is certainly one of the most vital. It can also be expensive, which makes it nearly impossible for those experiencing homelessness. And that is where Medical Teams International’s Mobile Dental Program comes in as they recently swung…

133 October 23rd, 2015 0
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Give hope by the ton to Portland Rescue Mission this holiday season

In-kind donations are greatly needed as Portland Rescue Mission prepares for the fall and winter season. Cold, wet weather brings misery to men and women with no home. Your gift of warm, dry clothing along with a hot meal and a safe place to rest bring comfort when hurting people need us most. Portland Rescue Mission…

126 September 29th, 2015 0
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Harry’s Fresh Food celebrates end of summer at Shepherd’s Door

Sometimes, partnerships are simply meant to be. And after Harry’s Fresh Foods connected with Portland Rescue Mission last year, it was it was evident to all it was the perfect match. “After we talked last year, Harry’s Fresh Foods fell in love with who we’re serving, what we’re doing to help the community and wanted…

122 September 3rd, 2015 0
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Think differently about people experiencing homelessness in Portland (videos)

At Portland Rescue Mission, we love stories that warm our souls. If you’re a regular follower of our blog, you might remember a recent story about Donald Gould. Donald found his way off the streets after his musical talent got him discovered on the streets of Florida. In that process, he was also able to…

118 August 27th, 2015 0
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Lots of love shared at the Children’s Ministry Center of Shepherd’s Door

At Shepherd’s Door, recovery affects more than just the women in our New Life Ministry, recovery is also about their children. For the kids who enter the Children’s Ministry Center (CMC), their past comes with them. And, though it is difficult to overcome the past trauma many of the kids have experienced, Portland Rescue Mission staff and volunteers…

127 August 5th, 2015 0
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PDX Cru finds how it fits in God’s puzzle at The Harbor

It started out like any other summer. After another school year came to a close, and most college students were headed home until the fall, one group’s summer vacation would remain on hold for at least three weeks. As part of Cru’s summer service projects, a group of students from around the country, none of…

129 July 15th, 2015 0
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Lake Grove Presbyterian pours out love on Shepherd’s Door

At Portland Rescue Mission, meeting the needs of thousands of people suffering from hunger, homelessness, addiction and abuse takes more than 3,000 volunteers and 30,000 donors every year. Church partners are a core part of this dedicated team giving hope and restoring life when people need us most. For many years now, passionate people from…

130 June 30th, 2015 0
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Portland Rescue Mission celebrates annual Birthday Party for the Homeless

Regardless of what else might have been going on May 11 anywhere else in Portland, from 2 p.m. through dinner at the Burnside Shelter, it was a time of celebration and joy for everyone who visited the Guest Care Center. Portland Rescue Mission staff members, volunteers and guests all gathered together in one place to…

127 May 13th, 2015 0
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