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Reaching Out

Shepherd’s Door women give back, serve faithfully at Burnside Shelter

Blessings come in all shapes and sizes, and while it’s one blessing to be able to help someone find hope by getting them off the street, it’s even more so when you start to see those same people giving back. At Shepherd’s Door, this is exactly what has been happening with some of the ladies who…

125 February 12th, 2015 0
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GIVE HOPE Telethon!

Our Give Hope telethon is today! For many of us, the holiday season is a time for family, friends, and good food. But for thousands of hurting, homeless people in Portland, this season is just another reminder of their pain. Make a difference this year by donating during our telethon! Your telethon gift… Helps feed…

107 November 10th, 2014 0
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Stay Updated With Mobile Alerts!

We have a brand new way to stay in touch! Get updated with Mission news by receiving text alerts on your phone! Remember the freak snowstorm we had earlier this year? What about the boil-water alert in the spring? Emergency situations that bring immediate needs to our Burnside Shelter are great examples of when having a text alert system…

116 October 21st, 2014 0
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Mondays at the Mission: Ep 30 – Part 7: Help A Hurting Person

It happens almost every day. You pull up to a red light and look out your window, and there’s the person, standing on the street corner begging you to help them. We all want to help, but what should we do? Should you give money, food, or a water bottle? Or should you do nothing at…

108 August 4th, 2014 0
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Mondays at the Mission: Ep 29 – Part 6: Help A Hurting Person

Have you been keeping up with our “How to Help a Hurting Person” video series this summer? We’re shedding light on how anyone can help out a person in need. It’s our goal that after you’ve watched the series, you’ll feel equipped and confident to lend a hand to someone you see holding a sign…

114 July 27th, 2014 0
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Mondays at the Mission: Ep 28 – Part 5: Help A Hurting Person

Summer keeps rolling along – and so does our “How To Help A Hurting Person” video series! This series teaches what you can do to help a person holding a sign asking for help on the side of the road, outside a grocery store, or anywhere else you may see him or her! SEE ALSO:…

111 July 21st, 2014 0
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Mondays at the Mission: Ep 27 – Part 4: Help A Hurting Person

What are you supposed to do when you see someone on the street corner asking for help? Give them money? Ignore them? Tell them to get a job? Our summer video series, “How To Help A Hurting Person,” teaches you how to make a difference for someone in need!  SEE ALSO: “Can I Buy Your…

114 July 14th, 2014 0
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Mondays at the Mission: Ep 26 – Part 3: Help A Hurting Person

Watch the newest episode of “How To Help A Hurting Person” to get another tip on what you can do when you see someone holding a sign asking for help. If you haven’t seen Part One or Part Two, check them out as well! Check out this week’s tip here!     

107 July 7th, 2014 0
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Mondays at the Mission: Ep 25 – Part 2: Help A Hurting Person

We’re continuing our series this week on how you can help a hurting person in need!  Last week’s video talked about being prepared. Don’t be surprised when someone approaches you and asks for help. Prepare yourself so that you know what to do when the situation arises. Check out this week’s tip here!     

104 June 30th, 2014 0
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Mondays at the Mission: Ep 24 – Part 1: Help A Hurting Person

We’ve all been there before. You pull up to a red light and ease to a stop. You look out the window and there is a person holding a cardboard sign asking for help. It happens all the time in a variety of places: freeway ramps, outside grocery stores, sometimes just on the sidewalk as you…

103 June 23rd, 2014 0
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