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Reaching Out

How do you help a panhandler in Portland? Meet Shane

“When I first lost my job, I still had my van,” says Shane. “I would drive to Washington and collect cans. I could make $100 a day.” But when Shane’s van broke down, he couldn’t afford to fix it. He lost his ability to recycle for an income. Panhandling seemed like his best option. That…

84 July 1st, 2015 0
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Lake Grove Presbyterian pours out love on Shepherd’s Door

At Portland Rescue Mission, meeting the needs of thousands of people suffering from hunger, homelessness, addiction and abuse takes more than 3,000 volunteers and 30,000 donors every year. Church partners are a core part of this dedicated team giving hope and restoring life when people need us most. For many years now, passionate people from…

99 June 30th, 2015 0
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Homelessness awareness: Top 5 reasons youths end up homeless (news roundup)

Portland Rescue Mission desires to see men, women and children find hope through a restored life, free from the bondage that comes with homelessness and addiction. Portland Rescue Mission also desires to raise awareness on the topic of homelessness. Stay up-to date on our blog as we share the recent news and stories circulating on…

81 June 23rd, 2015 0
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Start summer off with a new job at Portland Rescue Mission

With school over and summer in full swing, you might be in job search-mode. And if so, did you know Portland Rescue Mission is currently hiring? We have positions open at our three main facilities. We are actively looking to hire people who are passionate about helping hurting men, women and children who are homeless…

92 June 19th, 2015 0
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Homelessness awareness: NFL players sleep on the streets (news roundup)

While Portland is beautiful and sunny, the harsh reality of homelessness remains the same for many of Portland Rescue Mission’s guests at our Burnside Shelter. Being homeless on the streets of Portland is hard, and regardless of whether it’s summertime or not, life doesn’t get any easier. Beyond us offering hope and resources to our…

75 June 16th, 2015 0
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Plan your future, benefit loved ones and Portland Rescue Mission

Have you taken the time to plan your future? If not, Portland Rescue Mission is here to help. If you need help planning your legacy, go to PortlandRescueMission.org/Plan for a free book titled “Provide & Protect.” The book is written by estate planning expert A. Charles Schultz and addresses many questions like, “Should I have a…

81 May 11th, 2015 0
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Joanne Jackson spreading the joy of gardening at Shepherd’s Door

For 38 years, Joanne Jackson spent her working hours as an Infection Prevention Nurse at Providence Portland.“It was a very enjoyable job, but it started to become too much for me to cope with,” Joanne said. It was time to retire. Fortunately for Portland Rescue Mission’s New Life Ministry at Shepherd’s Door, Joanne wasn’t about…

82 April 14th, 2015 2
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Family Life Center shows kids affected by addiction ‘unconditional love’

Children aren’t typically who we first imagine when we think about homelessness. The truth is that women and children are the fastest growing segment of the homeless population. Portland Rescue Mission seeks to embrace not only women in need of healing, but also their children who have also been deeply impacted by domestic violence and…

88 April 8th, 2015 0
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How do you handle panhandling? Portland Rescue Mission explains

How do you handle panhandling? That’s the question that The Oregonian posed in part six of their eight-part series on Portland’s “homeless crisis.” And here at Portland Rescue Mission, we’ve detailed out seven ways we think that can best be accomplished. Those seven ways include the following: Anticipate the opportunity and be prepared Smile and…

97 February 24th, 2015 0
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Help train New Life Ministries residents for Helvetia Half Marathon

Not all that long ago, Hunter Quinton’s life changed forever. (Watch Hunter’s Story of Hope). As one of the first graduates of our New Life Ministry at The Harbor since it moved into its new facility back in 2013, he discovered transformation comes in multiple facets. He trained for and completed a half-marathon with Up…

84 February 24th, 2015 0
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