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New Life Ministry

A Christmas Card to You

  “This Christmas is my first Christmas with my mom. We will enjoy fun activities with friends, go to church, listen to beautiful Christmas music, and get to have many amazing gifts filled with hope and love. Thank you for your kindness.”  James   This holiday season at Portland Rescue Mission, the men, and women…

234 December 16th, 2021
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Kevin’s Invitation

“To feel a part of something again, to feel a viability in the community again, that I am worth something to somebody, I have this now. And it’s not because of what I did, but it’s because of the help I got from the Portland Rescue Mission.” Kevin sat in Burnside Shelter at the end…

205 November 9th, 2021
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Running for My Recovery

“I never expected to have completed this half marathon. I wasn’t even sure if I would be alive by this time last year, but here I am. I thank God for the opportunity.” Jesse, a participant moments after he completed his first ever half marathon.   On Sunday, October 3rd, 2021, Portland Rescue Mission partnered…

226 October 8th, 2021
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Shining a Light on Women in Homelessness

With tears in her eyes and a lump in her throat, Michelle explained to us what a typical night of homelessness looks likes for a woman. “A woman clutches her backpack to her chest and stands under a streetlight” She is terrified of the dangers that come with darkness, keenly aware of her vulnerability as…

175 August 11th, 2021
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Out of Isolation

At first being homeless didn’t really bother me, I had friends and a lot of places to go.But when I became addicted to drugs, was on the street in a new town . . . I was so scared and alone. . . on the street, you can’t trust anyone. Christina, a graduate of Shepherd’s…

182 July 28th, 2021
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Finding Community & Leaving Homelessness Behind

The Isolation of Homelessness Death and Looking for New Life Leaving Homelessness Behind Stronger Together

161 January 18th, 2020 0
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Collaborative Ministry to Serve the Homeless

Collaborative ministry is part of how Portland Rescue Mission serves the homeless in Portland, Oregon.

148 November 15th, 2019 0
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How Your Donated Car Changes Lives

Portland Rescue Mission’s Drive Away Hunger takes donated cars to give hope to those experiencing homelessness. Both vehicle donors and buyers get maximum benefits.

171 June 6th, 2019 0
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Shepherd’s Door Graduation: Colleen, Julie, Jenn & Izzy

As part of our New Life Ministries, Shepherd’s Door provides a safe space for up to 40 women, and 25 children, while they pursue recovery from addictions, develop life skills and restore healthy relationships. After the women complete the 12-month residential treatment program, we gather together as a community to celebrate their accomplishment. Last month,…

86 April 3rd, 2018 0
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