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New Life Ministry

Christine Ourada loves ‘rubbing shoulders with Jesus’ as Shepherd’s Door Director

For many people, one of their greatest desires and yet biggest disappointments is a complete lack of meaningful work. Not so for Christine Ourada, Director of Women and Children’s Ministries for Portland Rescue Mission. Take a tour with her at Shepherd’s Door, listen to her talk at Jubilee (the women’s New Life Ministry graduation ceremony), or simply sit down and chat with…

89 February 12th, 2015 0
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Connect helps Robin get her faith back at our Burnside Shelter

Our Connect program for women at the Burnside Shelter hasn’t been around long (it started in 2014), but dozens of women’s lives have already been transformed. The Oregonian’s seven-week series on “Our Homeless Crisis” in Portland includes the life of Robin, one of our first residents to be a part of Connect. In the story, Robin…

104 February 5th, 2015 0
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Portland Rescue Mission, The Oregonian discuss ‘homeless crisis’

In case you missed it, our Public Relations Specialist Alexa Mason recently sat down with The Oregonian’s Anna Griffin to talk about Portland’s homeless crisis, an eight-week series the newspaper is working on. During Wednesday’s live chat, Mason spent some time answering reader’s questions about how we can help homeless men and women, and what…

96 January 31st, 2015 0
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Five women transformed forever at Shepherd’s Door, celebrate Jubilee

Celebration. Excitement. Anticipation. Transformation. These are all words and feelings that came emanating out of the Jubilee celebration at Shepherd’s Door. Five women had not only finished the 12-month New Life Ministry, they were radically changed as a result. In front of a room overflowing with family and friends, these five women were able to…

100 January 28th, 2015 0
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Echoes of hope at Link, The Harbor

God is constantly moving at Portland Rescue Mission. Over the span of 2014, and because of your generous prayers and support for what we do, we had our most successful year on record. We served 331,346 hot meals and provided 83,197 safe nights of shelter. We also had the honor and privilege of seeing many,…

93 January 24th, 2015 0
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Do something meaningful, work for Portland Rescue Mission

Are you looking for a new opportunity to do something that truly matters? Do you desire to play a vital role in helping end homelessness, hunger and addiction right here in the Portland community? If so, Portland Rescue Mission is actively hiring and looking for numerous positions to be filled throughout the organization. We have…

100 January 24th, 2015 0
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The Harbor feels ‘earthquakes’ from Luke 5:16 solitude retreat

For the men in our New Life Ministry’s 12-month addiction recovery program at The Harbor, working on themselves is often the hardest thing they have ever had to do. What can often take people their entire lives to navigate, individually, the men at The Harbor are trying to do in one year. It is an…

85 January 23rd, 2015 0
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