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Burnside Shelter

Burnside Shelter Renovations

We are currently undergoing a massive renovation project at our Burnside Shelter! This overhaul will allow us to provide more much-needed space and services, such as a women’s program and more rooms for our Link residents to live in while they transition out of homelessness.


The second floor of the facility will soon be home to our Women’s Center, a dayroom for women to get off the streets and engaged into activities and meaningful conversations with our staff, volunteers and senior residents. On the same floor, we are also putting in a women’s program that will house up to 16 women who are committed to recovery but have not yet been accepted into a rehabilitation program. It will operate similarly to our men’s Link program. This fills a vital need, protecting women from slipping into chronic homelessness and street dangers — and providing a period of stability as they seek a healthy new life.

We are remodeling the third floor to accommodate 32 Link men and five men who are in the final stages of our recovery program. The Link program allows sober and drug-free homeless men to stay at our shelter and work part-time for us while they save money, look for a job, and figure out their housing situation. The renovation will add a large living room and computer room for relationship building. Previously, heating was available in the hallways only, leaving the rooms very cold in the winter. A new heating / AC system provides comfortable climate control all year round.

As always, your donations make all of this possible, and we prayerfully ask for your continued support. To donate, visit www.PortlandRescueMission.org/give

Check out the pictures below or click here to see how things are looking right now, and make sure to check back later to see the completed project!
