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About Homelessness

Make your choice. Make a difference.

Eric Bauer, Executive Director of Portland Rescue Mission

Eric Bauer, Executive Director of Portland Rescue Mission

A note from Eric Bauer (Executive Director of Portland Rescue Mission) …

Every year as Thanksgiving approaches, I think of the holiday meal that first brought a hurting man or woman to Portland Rescue Mission.  A hot dinner that filled their stomach, but also stirred their heart.  A smile from a volunteer, an encouraging word. . . Compassion, respect, dignity.

A meal (Hope Ministries) often leads to a safe place to sleep in our emergency shelter (Pathway Ministries), or to joining our New Life Ministries – expanded so we now house up to 317 men, women and children during the holidays and winter season.  Twenty six of those beds now provide special care for homeless women.

Many of our guests have experienced years of violence, drug and alcohol abuse, poverty and homelessness.  One thing leads to another – usually like a death spiral.  But knowing where their next warm meal will come from or where they will get a safe night’s sleep can provide precious relief and security.  And that’s an incredible gift.

In fact, once the basic needs of life are taken care of, we often see our guests open up and start to share the deep-rooted causes of their destructive habits.  For many, this becomes God’s tug on their heart to consider our New Life Ministry, where total life recovery can begin and Stories of Hope are realized.  Thanks to you!  Your support helps make all this possible.

Between now and the end of the year, we plan to serve more than 85,000 hot, nutritious meals.  We’ll also provide more than 32,000 nights of rest for men, women and children who are homeless.  While Portland’s homeless population continues to grow, we’re blessed by your support to be able to expand our services and help meet the growing needs.

Your-ChoiceBut we simply can’t do it without God’s provision through friends like you.

Whether your heart is to serve a friendly meal to one of our guests, to provide a peaceful night’s rest under our roof, or to help cover the costs of our recovery program, your compassionate gift of any amount will help open the doors of the Mission. . . and possibly open someone’s heart to God’s healing touch.

Since the Mission doesn’t receive government funds, we rely solely on friends like you to help men, women and children receive vital food, shelter and HOPE. . . . lasting HOPE.

On behalf of the homeless guests who get a good meal, who get a good night’s sleep, or who start on the path toward recovery, thank you.  Thanks for your gift to make a difference in a hurting man, woman or child’s life today.


With heartfelt thanks,

Eric Bauer
Executive Director

P.S. – Please help provide men, women and children in crisis here in Portland with the basics of food or shelter.  Or hope, through recovery. Simply give your generous gift online todayThank you for helping our neighbors in need.



