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About Homelessness

Executive Director Eric Bauer: More than sobriety at Portland Rescue Mission

Eric Bauer, Executive Director of Portland Rescue Mission

Eric Bauer, Executive Director of Portland Rescue Mission

We don’t always know what we need. But we usually know what we want. Men and women like Bradley, our featured story in our 2016 Summer Newsletter, want more than anything to their agony. Usually, long before people become homeless, they experience loss and trauma. In a desperate attempt to deal with the pain, they turn to the fastest and easiest relief they can think of – drugs, alcohol or shallow relationships, but nothing satisfies.

It can seem irrational to risk addiction when your life is already falling apart. But that is the only way many people know to cope. Deep down, they know they want something more. A life that has meaning. Relationships that are caring and wholesome. A sense of well-being, even if life isn’t perfect. But they have no idea how to get there.

Bradley came to our New Life Ministry for men at The Harbor a bit angry. He didn’t like his life, but it was all he knew. Letting go of addiction made him anxious, but he knew without sobriety there was no chance for change. After his first month, his mind began to clear. For the first time in 30 years, he could dare to imagine a better life.

But it wasn’t until later in the program that Bradley’s heart shifted from what he wanted to what he needed. Something much more than food, shelter or even sobriety.

Bradley needed connection. That’s what makes Portland Rescue Mission different. As men and women experience true, caring relationships with volunteers and staff, they realize there’s much more to life than survival. Protective walls begin to crumble. Hearts soften. Souls open to embrace God and experience forgiveness most of them scarcely believed was possible.

That’s how lives are changed at Portland Rescue Mission. Your support gives people more than what they want – more than just recovery. You give them what they need – a rebirth, a meaningful restorative connection with God, with friends and family, and with themselves.

What hurting people lost in homelessness and addiction want more than anything is an end to their agony.

Thank you for caring,


Eric Bauer

Executive Director

P.S. Summertime is when our giving drops to its lowest. But our meal, shelter and recovery programs need your support all year long. Please help us through this summer slump with a gift today to restore the lives of more hurting people who come to us daily for help and hope.
