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About Homelessness

60 Years of Hope

2009 marked Portland Rescue Mission’s 60th year giving hope to hurting men, women and children affected by homelessness, addiction and abuse.

60 Years of Hope (Quicktime Version)

60 Years of Hope from pdxmission on Vimeo.

Portland Rescue Mission started in 1949 as a soup kitchen by the Burnside Bridge. Six decades later, we’re still known for compassionate care to homeless men, women and children.

But the heart of our ministry lies in our recovery programs where hurting people find help through addiction recovery, counseling, adult education, job training, emotional healing and spiritual renewal.

Your support gives more than a meal. More than a bed. You give HOPE. Donate online at www.PortlandRescueMission.org. Or call 503-MISSION (647-7466)
