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About Homelessness

10 Places People Slept In 2009

Where did you sleep each night this year?  Portland Rescue Mission offers shelter for up to 120 men and 38 women (and their children) each night. But there are countless others who sleep elsewhere. See where they slept in 2009.

From the www.Change.org “End Homelessness” blog:

1. Storage Units

2. Cars

3. Motels

4. Tent Cities

5. Las Vegas Underground Tunnels

6. Streets

7. Abandoned Buildings and Foreclosed Houses

8. Obamaville

9. Doubled-Up on Grandma’s Couch

10. We Don’t Know

Read the full article here: http://homelessness.change.org/blog/view/10_places_people_slept_in_2009
