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Portland Rescue Mission’s vignettes of hope (from the archives)

Men, women and children trapped in brokenness are being set free every day at Portland Rescue Mission.

Watching God heal people through forgiveness and leaving the past behind is so inspiring to us. We love sharing these stories, especially through video, so you can meet the people you give hope to when you support the Mission.

Each month, you can count on seeing a new “Stories of Hope” video of someone who has either graduated or is currently a part of our Hope Ministries, Pathway Ministries or New Life Ministries. In 2015, for example, those people have been Rachelle, Bill, Mike, Kelcey and Obi. (Watch all five of their stories and more on our YouTube channel).

But a few years ago, we also had a few other extensive vignettes we produced as well. Those vignettes were entitled “Reflections,” “Unseen” and “Dominoes” – all three which are embedded below. Take some time to check each one out, and if there’s something special about any of them that resonates with you, pass them around or leave your comments below.

“Reflections” (Cardboard Testimonies) – 2010

“Unseen” – 2011

“Dominoes” – 2012
