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Inside the Mission

Mondays at the Mission: Ep 19 – Life Skills Training

When a man or woman enters our New Life Ministry addiction recovery program, the goal is for them to walk out of our doors about a year later as a wholly transformed person – mentally, physically, relationally and spiritually. We also strive to give each person the tools they’ll need to be successful in whatever career they return to or begin for the first time. 

The learning center here at Portland Rescue Mission helps them gain these tools. After taking a skill assessment test upon entering the program, each man or woman then embarks on an educational program specifically tailored for him or her.

Examples of classes:

ALSO READ: Homeless Beautify Streets of Portland

Kevin Bradley, the Life Skills Specialist at The Harbor, talks about the learning center and how you can get involved! See his video here! 

We’re always in need of good volunteers at the learning center. Click here to get involved! 
