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Burnside Shelter

Thanksgiving around the Mission!


Thanksgiving was a busy and awesome time this year at the Mission!

To start things off, we served Thanksgiving dinner on Wednesday evening to over 500 homeless guests! Huge thanks to Mosaic Church for helping us pull off this big event – they provided 70 volunteers to help serve dinner and interact with the guests while they shared a meal together. Several homeless guests commented that they not only appreciated the food, but also the staff and volunteers that took the time to talk to them and hear their stories.


Early Thanksgiving morning, a group of men and women from The Harbor and Shepherd’s Door (our addiction recovery ministries) headed over to Washington Square Mall to run in the Turkeython race! 17 men and 5 women ran in either the 2.5k or the 5k race. In addition to the runners, we had 7 additional volunteers helping out at the races.

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Just a few highlights of the day:



Later that day, both Shepherd’s Door and The Harbor hosted their very own Thanksgiving Dinner for the residents that chose to stay for the holiday.


At the Harbor, we put NFL football up on the big projector screen, played lawn games, and watched a movie.

At Shepherd’s Door, the ladies spent a good portion of the day cooking up an amazing Thanksgiving feast and spent time relaxing in the evening with the kids and fellow residents that attended. It was a great day!

Thank you for supporting the Mission and giving our residents and guests such a wonderful Thanksgiving.
