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Shoppers, New Seasons Raise 4,643 Meals!

New Seasons

Earlier this month, New Seasons Market challenged its customers to raise meals for hurting, homeless people through Portland Rescue Mission. For the whole weekend, they matched customers’ donations dollar for dollar. Together, New Seasons and its customers raised funds to provide 4,643 meals for people in need!

SEE ALSO: New Seasons employees volunteer at the Mission

We want to say a big thank you to our partner New Seasons stores (Concordia, Sellwood, and Seven Corners locations) and to the many volunteers that helped pass out “LOVE PORTLAND” stickers, flyers, and reusable grocery bags during the match weekend. And of course, to the hundreds of shoppers who added a meal at the store checkout to help a hungry person!

Didn’t have a chance to donate during New Seasons’ matching weekend? You can still make a life-changing donation! Donate at the checkout of any of our New Seasons partner stores (listed above) or make an online donation right here. 

