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JoAnn Overcomes Addiction, Graduates Program

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JoAnn has been trying to get clean from drugs since she was 18 years old. Her traumatic childhood introduced her to substance abuse as a young child, setting her up for decades of broken relationships and pain.

“Life got so bad, and the people I was with were so bad. I almost lost my life.”

SEE ALSO: JoAnn’s Story of Hope Video

One day a friend recommended she check out New Life Ministry at Shepherd’s Door, our addiction recovery program for women and their children, and since then JoAnn’s life has been dramatically transformed. Not only is she clean from drugs, but she knows her life has a purpose. She has hope and a plan for the future.

JoAnn has also been reunited with her children. She’s taking full advantage of the opportunity she’s been given to be great mom that she never had.

Earlier this month, Joann’s friends and family – including dozens of women currently going through the New Life program – gathered to celebrate her graduation from the year-long program. Holding her certificate of graduation, with kids in her arms and surrounded by people who truly care for her, JoAnn couldn’t be more thankful for the support of friends like you who have given her a second chance at life through Portland Rescue Mission.

“I’ve learned that I don’t have to be afraid. Before, I was so scared and didn’t trust anyone. I’ve learned to let go of that fear and start trusting again.”

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